Increase conversion rates, customer happiness and profitability.


A smarter way to increase profits for your eCommerce store.


I use conversion optimization (A/B tests), UX research and analytics to increase customer experiences and business profits.


Hey, I’m Chris Marsh.

I help online stores boost their customer happiness and business profits.

There’s no magic or luck needed, I use the same methods that led to Amazon’s incredible success:

     User Research and Experimentation (or CRO).

Recently I drove a Return on Investment of 19:1  through a CRO program for an eCommerce brand.

This returned over €3 million in extra revenue for my client (plus many key learnings of their audience). 

I’m determined to grow your conversion rates, customer happiness and profits.


Don’t leave money on the table:

CRO & UX Research helps you become customer-centric, and boost profits.

Companies who put UX research and customer-centered design at their core see a 228% higher ROI than the S&P 500. (source:


75% of businesses think they are customer-centric.

Only 30% of customers agree.

This is a gap of opportunity.


be customer-focused,
and stand out from competitors. 


My 3 Step Process

Guaranteed to make your website more lovable (customer-centric) and more profitable.

1. UX research to uncover your valuable insights

You’ll learn WHERE users struggle, and WHY they get confused and leave your site. Uncover their needs and fears.

Discover how you can transform your customers experience and profits. 

2. Update your site with Usability fixes and quick-wins

Now you have plenty of quick-wins to implement straight away. These are easy to filter, prioritise and act on.

Your website will improve in usability,  clarity and profitability.

3. A/B Test, measure, learn and repeat

You get data and insight-led hypotheses and a CRO Roadmap.  

Ruthless prioritization helps lift your chances of success.

Your CRO Roadmap and Knowledge-base evolves over time. This continues to drive more insights and revenue-boosting opportunities. 

See a collection of eCommerce A/B tests I’ve run for my clients.

Reliable Freelance Conversion Optimisation (CRO)  

I help your store become more customer-centric, so more customers will convert (buy).

I do this through research – to uncover why some people don’t convert.

Then I help you launch quick-wins and A/B split test optimisations.

You get a robust CRO roadmap and knowledge-base.
We learn from test to test.
The more we learn and test, the faster you grow.

Your purpose-built CRO Roadmap and Knowledge-base software helps you…
see an overview of insights (real customer observations), and filter them by area of site or theme
✅ see how hypotheses are directly linked to insights and data
✅ see clear next steps (prioritized hypotheses)


UX Research: Analytics and Insights

I use a variety of tools and techniques to peak into your customers mind. Learn why your users don’t complete their key tasks,  why they leave, and why they don’t buy (convert).

You’ll learn where your website needs optimising and learn why users aren’t converting.

Expert Review

An expert review of your website involves a thorough analysis based on conversion and usability guidelines. It’s the quickest route to find and remove obvious conversion blockers. 

You’ll uncover dozen’s of opportunities to help you improve your Conversion Rates.

User Testing

I record 5 users completing tasks on your website, and analyse their behaviour.

This method uncovers pain-points that your users face every day. We can then eliminate these issues, and make your website more loveable and profitable.

Conversion Optimisation (CRO)

After initial research, and launching quick-wins, I can help you organise a CRO roadmap and run ongoing optimisation. This will further increase your Conversion Rates and prevent you from launching changes that bleed money.

I’ve specialised in CRO for over four years and helped brands increase annual revenue by over €3 million  🙌

Which method should I use?

The most impactful way to start is to research using multiple methods at once: Analytics, an Expert Review and User Testing. Then you’ll have a smattering of quick-wins to implement and huge opportunities to optimise your website.

The cheapest way to start is to use one or two research methods. This lean approach will provide a drip-feed of quick-wins and opportunities after each research method is complete. If this sounds good for you, I recommend you start with an Expert Review.

Client satisfaction scores in the top 1%

I’m proud that, on average, clients have rated my work with a satisfaction score that ranks in the top 1% (a net promoter score of 75.)

This satisfaction score sits above Apple, Spotify and BMW ❤️

 Some of the clients I’ve helped grow since 2017… 

Ellos Group

Million Dollar Testimonial

“Chris is one of the best CRO Researchers I’ve had the pleasure of working with.

I am a successful CRO Expert myself. I hired Chris to get a fresh perspective on a large Shopify store my team and I have been working with for a while.


His thorough, dedicated, knowledgeable, empathetic, and passionate efforts yielded a masterpiece. Something I can use as a foundation for a long-term experimentation and optimization strategy likely to generate millions of dollars in extra revenue for my client’s business.

Needless to say, I am hiring Chris long term, and plan on continuing to rely on him in the future. Highly Recommended.”


From Timur Altman
CRO Expert, and owner of Exceptional Web – a leading Top Rated agency at upwork.

Testimonial by Author Luke Hay

“The enthusiasm Chris has for his work is inspiring and leads to great results. He does a fantastic job of explaining complex results and recommendations along the way. Chris always delivers.”

Luke Hay

User Research Director @ Fresh Egg and Author of Researching UX: Analytics

I’ve specialised in Data & UX since 2012, and CRO since 2017 

I’ve continuously learnt from the best in the industry, through courses, peers and experts.

Regularly I share knowledge with clients, team-mates and industry peers – this ensures I grow, and others grow with me.

Some of the courses I’ve completed over the last few years are shown below…

Prices and Working Together

 I work as an independent consultant and technician.

  • I can teach and guide you, collaborate with you and your team, or run all A/B testing activities for you.


Frequently Asked Questions

What results have you produced before?

I’ve ran dozens of successful CRO projects. and have lifted conversion rates by as much as +38% from one test. This produced over €2million in additional annual revenue for the client 🙌

My clients have rated their satisfaction with a top 1% score (NPS 75).

Recently I co-launched a CRO program for a large Nordic store, which involved building a new insights hub and CRO program dashboard – this helps keep the momentum for constant learning and optimisation.

We’ve completed many tests which have boosted Revenue Per Visit from around the +3% to +8% mark.

Additionally, we’re constantly learning and becoming more customer-centric. 

What is your background and experience?

I’ve specialised in Conversion Optimisation since 2017, and in UX since 2015.  I spent two years in an leading digital agency, Fresh Egg before becoming a freelancer.

Over the years I’ve completed many training courses, and have gained certifications by industry experts CXL, Optimizely, Google GAIQ and The Interaction Design Foundation. 

Tell me about A/B testing, will I need a developer?

When you run A/B tests, you’ll need a developer to create them. I can recommend developers that specialise in AB testing. Usually, it will take a developer 2-6 hours to develop one test.

Additionally, It will take around 8 to 10+ hours of my time to set it up, diligently check the experience (QA), run it, analyse the results, document learnings, and share insights and next steps.

What tools do you use?

I perform reserach using tools such as: Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics & Workspace, userbrain, UserTesting, Hotjar, LuckyOrange, SessionCam, SurveyMonkey, Survicate.

I use many tools to run A/B tests, including Google Optimize, Optimizely and Adobe Target.

How do we start working together?
After an initial free consultation call I’ll send you a personalised proposal with a contract. Signing online is easy.
All the details like payment terms will be in the contract.
Where are you based?

I’m originally from Brighton, UK.

I now work remotely for clients, from snowy Helsinki, Finland ☃️

Can you white-label your services, for our marketing agency?

If you’re a respectable agency, then I’m happy to white-label my services.

Do your work hourly, or on retainers?

I tend to invoice monthly and bill hourly (accurate to the minute). I may be able to offer a secured retainer depending on my availability.

Book a free consultation with me…

Let’s boost your online sales, and transform customer happiness.

Planting a forest and living responsibly

By working with me, we also create a positive impact on the environment.


🌳🌳🌳❤️ 🌳🌳🌳 ❤️🌳🌳🌳

I’m committed to doing what I can to help the planet.

Positive impacts I’ve made, while working with my clients…

  • 🌳  Planted over 1800 trees
  • 💧   Prevented 144m² of sea ice from melting
  •   Removed 48 tonnes of carbon

The above impact is the same as offsetting 37 long haul flights, or driving five times around the earth.

How do I do this? It’s surprisingly easy. I eat a plant-based diet and donate monthly to Ecology.

They work with Gold Standard organisations to fund carbon projects and plant lovely trees.

I help you make lovable and profitable stores, all while creating a positive environmental impact. 



Contact me /
Book a free consultation

If you have any questions, or would like to chat about working with me, please send a message using the form below.

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I'm a remote consultant, helping clients make their eCommerce stores more profitable and lovable.

I use Conversion Optimisation, UX Research and Analytics to uncover opportunities and insights that help you grow.
